15 best Brazilian Netflix series 2020
When Netflix started producing its own content a few years ago, it seemed that the idea of having something Brazilian produced by them was still far from happening. Fortunately, the reality was different and the platform is more than full of national content. For those who like to do marathons, for example, there are excellent Brazilian Netflix series to choose from.
Of course, without knowing any rights, it can be difficult to select which one to start with first. To help you with this, we made sure to list some of the main Brazilian Netflix series that you can check out below!
To start our list, nothing better than the first Brazilian production on Netflix. The 3% series started with a short film that fortunately became something much bigger thanks to the streaming platform.
In this way, it was possible to check out the rest of the story that takes place in a dystopian future. In it, young people who turn 20 years old have the opportunity to pass tests to try to live a better life in one of the only prosperous places left in the world.
However, as the name of the series suggests, only 3% of these young people really manage to pass these rigorous tests. You can check the series by accessing the link.
2. The Mechanism
The next suggestion is also part of the first wave of Brazilian Netflix series. The Mechanism was created by the same director of the highly successful Tropa de Elite, so you can learn more about what to expect from the series.
This is basically a drama based on the investigations of “Operation Lava Jato”, which dealt with cases of political corruption in Brazil. Despite having aspects of real life, many of the characters and events and conversations shown in the series are fictional.
If you are a fan of spy or suspense series, here's a good one. If you are interested, you can check the series by accessing the link.
3. Nobody is looking
For those who like to watch more humorous series, we have the suggestion of “Nobody's watching”. She is kind of different and a lot more fanciful than many of the Brazilian Netflix series that we are going to show here.
Its plot shows the life of angels (also known as angelus in the series) and what they do daily to protect humans. Among the angels shown, Ulysses is a newcomer who ends up breaking all the rules on the first day.
He even questions his missions and decisions of the creator of the system. The episodes explore these events and their consequences, which you can check out at the following link.
4. Samantha
Samantha is another interesting bet for those looking for new Brazilian Netflix series. She kind of parodies those children's show hosts that were quite successful in the 1980s and 1990s.
In this case, her story shows a presenter from that time who does her best to be famous again. She is very funny and fun, so it is worth checking when accessing the link.
5. Most beautiful thing
It is quite possible that you have at least heard of The Most Beautiful Thing, as it is one of the most popular Brazilian Netflix series on our list. It takes place in Rio de Janeiro in the 1950s and focuses on three women who star in the plot.
It all starts when Malu has her money stolen by her husband and joins a singer named Adélia and writer Thereza to open a Bossa Nova bar. Considering the way that women were seen and treated at this time, even the smallest things prove to be a challenge for them.
You can check out more by accessing the Netflix link.
6. Brotherhood
If you like police investigative series, it's worth giving Brotherhood a chance. Its plot shows how a very honest lawyer infiltrates a criminal faction.
All because her brother is trapped in such a faction and she needs to unravel all possible schemes to try to save him. The big problem is that he faces several moral issues during the episodes.
If you found it interesting, you can check out more on the link.
7. The Chosen One
Despite not being one of the most popular Brazilian Netflix series on our list, The Chosen One is very interesting. His story shows three doctors who go to a remote village in the Brazilian wetland.
The goal is to treat those infected with the Zika virus, but they end up discovering that there are many more strange mysteries at the site. For those who don't know, it is based on a Mexican series known as “Niño Santo”.
To check the full episodes, just check the link.
8. Tuning
The Sintonia series has the favelas of São Paulo as the main scenario of their stories. Overall, we accompany three teenagers who do their best to achieve their dreams one day.
While Doni wants to be a successful funk singer, Rita does what she can to support herself by selling different products and Nando gets involved in the world of crime just to be able to help her family. As you can imagine, the story is very captivating and worth checking out.
If you are interested in the plot, just access the Netflix link.
9. Blood pact
A little different from most Brazilian Netflix series on our list, Blood Pact is not an original work on the platform. It was produced by the paid channel Space, but also made available for streaming.
Its plot shows how a TV presenter tries to deliver very violent news in order to have more audience than his competitors. But with that, he ends up exceeding many limits and is not far from those he shows as bandits in his program.
Incredibly, it has a lot to do with the documentary series that we will present shortly. But before you go ahead, don't forget to access the link to watch Blood Pact.
10. Bandits on TV
Our next suggestion among Brazilian Netflix series is Bandidos na TV. This is not a tip so similar to the previous ones on our list, as it is a documentary series instead of fiction.
It shows the story of Wallace Souza, a former presenter of a police and political program in Manaus. After spending years reporting crimes on TV, he was accused of being involved with them.
Each episode presents evidence and testimonies from both sides, so it is difficult to know the truth. Of course, this is what makes this one of the best marathon shows.
After all, it is impossible not to want to know what happened in this case. To check out more, just access the link below.
11. Omniscient
If you've watched and liked 3%, we have to recommend Onisciente too. After all, this other series is from the same creator of the first Brazilian Netflix series.
Again, we have a plot that focuses on the not-too-distant future. In this world, people are monitored every second of the day by drones located everywhere.
Of all those guarded, we accompany Nina, who works at the company that monitors these drones. Your goal is to evade the company's surveillance while trying to investigate your father's mysterious death.
If you found this story interesting, you just need to check the Netflix link.
12. Spectros
The Spectros series is an excellent choice for those who like fantasy or horror series. It is very interesting because it shows a very cool mix of Japanese and Brazilian culture.
That's because the series tells ghost stories of Japanese descendants in our country. As is to be expected, everything takes place in the Liberdade neighborhood in São Paulo, one of the largest Japanese communities outside Japan.
To check the series first hand, just check the link.
13. Wars of Brazil
Another excellent suggestion that we can give is Wars of Brazil. This is another documentary series, but this time it displays information and data about some of the wars that took place in our country.
There are only 5 episodes, so it's great for both those who like war series and those who like marathons. As expected, there are also many expert reports going deeper into each war addressed.
For those who want to check the episodes, just access the Netflix link.
14. Super Drags
Of course, we would not end our list of Brazilian Netflix series without suggesting at least one animation. The Super Drags series shows one from the Brazilian drag community, something that very little has been explored yet.
She tries to put some of today's great drag queens in very funny and fun situations. The cool thing is that in their dubbing cast, there are names like Suzy Brasil, Silvetty Montilla and Pabllo Vittar
Definitely a good suggestion for those who like to watch anime or other types of animation. To watch this series, just check out the link below.
15. Reality Z
To close our list of Brazilian Netflix series, we have a series of very unusual theme for national works. In Reality Z, we see Rio de Janeiro suddenly being attacked by zombies.
In this, several participants in a reality show find themselves with no option but to seek shelter in a TV studio. Of course, they have no idea of the dangers they can find inside and outside it.
If you like watching Netflix series of different concepts, just check the link.
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