35 short phrases for WhatsApp status

For those who love to customize their WhatsApp profile to the fullest, the status option is a great place to start. In this space, you can place images, videos and several phrases each day. In a way that is very similar to what we see in Instagram stories. One of the coolest things you can do to symbolize your daily mood is to put in a sentence that matches how you are feeling. It can be something inspirational, funny, an indirect or whatever you prefer. To help you, we've separated some of the best short phrases for WhatsApp status.

If you are curious, just check out the main suggestions below. Enjoy!

Short phrases for WhatsApp status

Among the short phrases for WhatsApp status we have chosen, you will find a good variety. Other than that, you can even choose if you just want to copy and paste the sentence or if you prefer to post the image with it.

Just don't forget that you can learn how to remove WhatsApp online if you don't want anyone sending you messages about any indirect phrases in the status.

1. Love of the world

"For us, all the love in the world."

short quotes for whatsapp love status

2. Long walk

"As long as the journey is, the most important thing is to take the first step."

short phrases for whatsapp status walk

3. Heart

"Believe me, there are people who are not looking for beauty, but for the heart."

short phrases for whatsapp status heart

4. Grow

"Growing up is a process."

short phrases for whatsapp status grow

5. Work out

"In the end, everything works out, and if it didn't work out, it's because it's not over yet."

short phrases for whatsapp status to work

6. Education

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."

short phrases for whatsapp status education

7. Right way

"If the journey is difficult, it is because you are on the right path."

whatsapp status for whatsapp

8. If you are afraid

"Go. And if you are scared, you are really scared. ”

whatsapp status fear quotes

9. Secret of life

"The secret of life is to find the balance that works for you."

short phrases for whatsapp status balance

10. Start over

"To err, overcome, learn and start over."

short phrases for whatsapp status err

Are you enjoying these short phrases for WhatsApp status? Keep checking the list!

11. Choices

"Believe in your choices."

short phrases for whatsapp status choose

12. Failures

"Not correcting our faults is the same as making new mistakes."

short phrases for whatsapp status failures

13. Happiness

"Happiness is just a matter of being."

short phrases for whatsapp status happiness

14. Split energy

“Choose very well with those who share energy. There are people who add, there are people who suck. ”

whatsapp status for whatsapp

15. Stones and flowers

"When everything is stone, throw the first flower."

whatsapp status for whatsapp

Which of these short phrases for WhatsApp status are you enjoying the most?

16. Happy

"I was born to be happy, not to be normal."

short whatsapp status for whatsapp status

17. Scent of flowers

"Everyone wants the scent of flowers, but few get their hands dirty to grow them."

short phrases for whatsapp status flowers

18. Stronger

"What does not kill me makes me stronger."

strong "width =" 610 "height =" 305 "src =" https://www.apptuts.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/frases-curtinhas-para-status-de-whatsapp-forte .jpg "/></p><p><noscript><img class=

19. Evolving

“Living each day with intensity and always evolving!”

intensity "width =" 610 "height =" 393 "src =" https://www.apptuts.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/frases-curtinhas-para-status-de-whatsapp-intensidade .jpg "/></p><p><noscript><img class=

20. Firm mind

"Firm mind, clean soul and positive thinking always."

free mind

21. Clear signs

"Sometimes the signs are so clear that they blind us."

signs "width =" 610 "height =" 407 "src =" https://www.apptuts.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/sinais.jpg "/></p><p><noscript><img class=

22. Overflowing

"Each one overflows what is inside of them."

phrases for status within yourself

23. Others' opinion

"Look for happiness, not the opinion of others."

short phrases for whatsapp status opinion

24. Real dreams

"If we can dream, we can also make our dreams come true."

short phrases for whatsapp status reality

25. Losing the fun

"If you obey all the rules, you end up missing out on the fun."

short phrases for whatsapp status rules

26. Result

"I am the result of my attitudes, feelings and ideas."

whatsapp status for whatsapp status

27. Without going after

"The worst nostalgia is the one you feel, but you know you can't go after it."

messages for whatsapp miss you

28. Dark sky

"Despite the dark sky, try to reach the brightest star."

brightest star

29. Detachment

"If there is no reciprocity, practice detachment."

reciprocity "width =" 610 "height =" 392 "src =" https://www.apptuts.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/frases-para-status-reciprocidade.jpg "/></p><p><noscript><img class=

30. Secret of life

"The secret of life is not to have everything you want, but to love everything you have!"

have it all

31. Dancing in the rain

“Living is not waiting for the storm to pass. It's learning to dance in the rain. ”

whatsapp status phrases rain

32. Turn the page

"If you turned the page, I burned the book!"

whatsapp status phrases turn the page

33. Tranquility

"I want peace, tranquility and everything that really makes me feel good!"

truth "width =" 610 "height =" 342 "src =" https://www.apptuts.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/frases-curtinhas-para-status-de-whatsapp-verdade .jpg "/></p><p><noscript><img class=

34. Feather and wings

"There are people who feel sorry, others, wings."

wings "width =" 610 "height =" 432 "src =" https://www.apptuts.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/frases-para-status-do-whatsapp-asas.jpg "/></p><p><noscript><img class=

35. Examined life

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

examined life

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Did you take advantage of our list to find some short phrases for WhatsApp status that you would like to use? So don't forget to leave your comment telling us what you think and if there are other tips and games for WhatsApp that you would like to see.

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