7 steps to learn how to disable Windows Defender

Windows antivirus has become so advanced that today an ordinary user does not need external software like it used to. On the other hand, the digital defender of Windows gets in the way of installing programs to record your PC screen or any other that is not a threat. Therefore, it is important to learn how to disable Windows Defender.

It is worth remembering that we do not recommend that you leave it idle all the time. To do so is to take a risk that we can not always do. The intent of this tutorial is to disable it for short periods, especially when it makes it difficult to install some software that is not malicious.

So, you will learn how to disable Windows Defender, but we recommend that you re-enable it as soon as you finish installing what you need. The only reason to keep it inactive is if you already have another PC antivirus that does the service to defend your computer from threats.

Tip: do not forget to also check our complete guide on how to measure the PC temperature.

Remember that the guide below was done on an updated Windows 10 computer. Other versions may show differences in the steps shown. Without further ado, check out the full step-by-step on how to disable Windows Defender!

How to Disable Windows Defender

1 – Open the menu Start the computer;

how to disable windows defend start

2 Go to the settings of Windows 10;

how to disable windows defender settings

3 Enter the menu Update and Security;

how to disable windows defender update

4 Now, click Windows Security;

access security options

5 Open the menu Protection against viruses and threats;

how to disable windows defender protection

6 A new window will open. In it, access the option Virus and Threat Protection Settings;

how to disable windows defender virus

7 Turn off the Real-time protection clicking the corresponding button;

how to disable windows defender disable

Ready! From now on, you've learned how to disable Windows Defender. But that's not the only way to disable the application! If you have some notions on how to tinker with the Windows Registry Editor, you may want to see the next method.

How to Disable Windows Defender – Method 2

As you did in the first step, open the menu Start of Windows;

type it regedit and click on the icon that will appear;

search by registry editor

Double-click on the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;

find the local machine folder

Now double-click on the folder SOFTWARE;

find the software folder in regedit

Scroll the screen until you see the Policies. Access it;

I found the policies folder

Double click on Microsoft;

how to disable windows defender microsoft

Right-click the folder Windows Defender;

how to disable windows defender

Put the mouse pointer on top of New;

how to disable windows defender new

In the menu that will open, choose the DWORD value (32 bits);

find the 32-bit dword value

A new file will open on the right screen. Rename it to DisableAntiSpyware;

how to disable windows defender disable

Double-click the new file to open it;

Replace the Value data to 1 and click OK;

how to disable windows defend a

Restart your computer and you will have learned how to disable Windows Defender!

Bonus: If you disabled Windows Defender through this method, re-enable it by accessing the regedit navigate through the same folders described in steps 10 through 13.

Find the file again DisableAntiSpyware and return the Value data again to 0 and clicking OK.

return the value to zero to undo

Finally, remember to restart your computer to make the changes!

Learn more about Windows 10 on AppTuts

Now that you've learned how to disable Windows Defender in two different ways, it's time to learn even more about your operating system.

So stay with us on AppTuts and see our complete guide on how to format your memory card!

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