Clips: Apple's free video and image editing app

If you use an iPhone or an iPad and you don't know Clips yet, it's time. It is a completely free and complete application offered by Apple for editing photos and videos.

Keep reading below to know everything about it and learn how to use this app!

1. What is Clips?

The first part of our article will be dedicated to an explanation of this completely free video editing application. If you just want to know how to use it, just move on to the next topic.

Clips is software created by Apple that is in the category of video editors. It was released on the iOS App Store in April 2017. Currently, it only works on devices with iOS 13.0 or higher that are 64-bit.


The application is very simple to use. Right when opening it, the user is faced with the front camera, allowing new video clips to be created at the touch of a button, or by joining photos and videos from the gallery of your device.

After recording, clips can be added to a project timeline, allowing them to be shared on social media. Within the Clips, it is still possible to add filters and effects.

What is the ?

  • Capture moments: to use, it is very easy. Simply press the record button or select clips or photos from your library. Use your fingers to zoom or create camera movements, making everything much more dramatic;
  • Animate the scene: through Clips, you have access to Memoji and Animoji, Apple's animated emoji. With them, you can transform into an owl, a dragon, an animated version of yourself or more, using your facial expressions and your voice.

Use the stickers and animated emojis that accompany your movements to make everything even more personal and dynamic;

  • Voice to text: with Clips, adding subtitles to videos becomes simple, since with Real Time Titles you will transform everything you say into animated subtitles and signs. Talk while you're recording and you're done. To adjust, just touch the screen, you can change the style and more;
  • Filters: another feature of Clips is the filters, always present in apps to edit images and videos. Through them, you'll be able to add camcorder filters, retro stickers, colorful posters with animated backgrounds, realistic or stop-motion filters and more.

In addition, you can add soundtracks created by you, your favorite songs or let the app add the most appropriate songs for you;

  • Augmented reality: with the Clips “Selfie Scenes”, you will be able to transport beautiful and lively landscapes, transport crazy labs or even movie scenes to your camera, making sure you are in them.

All scenes are a complete 360º experience, so that when you move your smartphone, the background images move together.

  • Easy sharing: one more really attractive thing about Clips is how easy it is to share your creations. Through AirDrop, by email, on social media or by saving to Archives, you have many ways to share.

In addition, you can send unfinished projects for friends to add their own clips;

  • Synchronization: As Clips works together with iCloud, everything you edit on one device will be available on the other, and you can create it in a multiplatform way. Record on iPhone and proceed to iPad without any interference.

2. How to use it?

Now that you know everything about Clips, knowing everything you can do through it and what it is, now we will teach you how to use it to create your own videos.

First of all, you will need to follow the link to the App Store to download the application on your iPhone or iPad. With it installed, read on to learn how to use!

Record a new clip

  • Recording videos using the Clips app is really easy. To start, open the app;
  • Then click on the "Projects" in the upper left corner and then in "Create new";
  • Now, to start recording, hold the pink record button. If you don't want to hold it, just drag it upwards from the button to keep it active;
  • To finish recording, just release the button. In case you have locked it, click on it once to stop;
  • The recorded clip will be on the timeline at the bottom of the screen;
  • To watch, click on a clip in the timeline and the play button.

Record a new clip clips

Add more clips to a video

You can continue recording new clips to add them to the timeline, creating a video. After recording a new one, it will appear right after the clips already recorded. However, you can add from your library:

  • click in "Library";
  • Select an existing photo or video;
  • Hold the record button for the amount of time you want the photo or video to appear. For example, selecting a photo and holding it for three seconds will make it appear for three seconds. Selecting a video and holding it for ten seconds will add the first ten seconds of it;
  • After adding a clip, you can rearrange them or remove:
    • To rearrange them, hold a clip on the Clips timeline and drag it to the left or right;
    • To delete a clip, select a clip and click the "Delete", or drag it to the top of the screen.

Add more clips to a video clip

Add a selfie scene

This is a Clips feature that is only available on iPhone X, 2018 iPad Pro and those that came later. Using the TrueDepth camera, you can place yourself anywhere you want, with a 360 degree experience. To use:

  • click in "Scenes";
  • Select the Scene that you want to use;
  • Hold your smartphone in front of you and hold the record button to add the scene to your timeline.

Add a scene to selfie clips

Share videos

  • If the video you want to share is not open, click on the Projects in the upper left corner;
  • If you don't see what you want, swipe left to see all the projects and then click on what you want;
  • Click the To share and choose how you want to do this.

Share videos

Delete a project

  • Finally, to delete projects, first click on the Projects;
  • Select what you want to delete;
  • click in More options represented by three points and then in Delete. Confirm by clicking Delete Project.

So, what did you think of Clips?

Leave in the comments your opinion about this video editing app and if you already knew it. Don't forget to check, too,

A more complete solution that works on both Windows and Mac computers is Movavi, a video editor that does everything, offering you professional capabilities. Follow our link and start using it now with a free trial period!

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