Discover how to make a free website in a few steps

Did you know that you can learn how to make a website for free in just a few steps? You do not need training in a technological area to create a website for your business or for a personal project.

In fact, there are plenty of tools to create websites that aim to make the process easy and fast. As there are many options, then it can be difficult to choose the one that appeals to you the most.

To make your life easier, we've selected just one to guide you through this tutorial on how to make a free website in a few steps. The platform to create websites chosen was Webnode, which allows you to make your page for free.

In the guide, we will show you how to access Webnode, create your registration, choose a template and how to put your website online. Webnode itself guarantees that you can create your website for free in less than 10 minutes.

How to make a website free: step by step

1 – The first step is to access the link to get to know Webnode. Then click on Create website or in Create your free website.

learn how to make a free website in a few steps through webnode

2 – Now, complete the registration by choosing the name of your site, indicating your email and creating your password.

create your record

3 – Indicate whether you want to create a website or an online store. For this example, we chose to choose a website for its scope. However, you are free to select any of these options.

choose the type of free website you want to create

4 – You will be taken directly to the website templates screen. When choosing one, the structure of your website will look like it. To make it easier to find the type of website you want to create, choose one of the types on the top bar.

webnode template library

5 – Did you find the template that you consider ideal for your page? Then hover your mouse over it and click the button To choose.

click choose to make your website free

6 – After creation, Webnode will release the edition of your page. To do this, click Edit site.

start editing your page

7 – After that, you will be taken to the editing screen, where you can customize the page and make it your own. You can add or remove sections, change the font and images available, or add and remove pages. Basically everything we pointed out in the screenshot below can be changed in the Webnode editor.

webnode edit screen

8 – Did you learn how to make a free website in a few steps and managed to edit it to make it look like you? Then it's time to publish your site! To do this, just click on Publishin the upper right corner of the screen.

publish your website for free!

By doing this, your website will be published and you will be able to start creating content and share your store on social media or by email marketing. Be sure to also check out these essential tools for websites.

Want to know more about the tool and how to create a website in less than 10 minutes? Then check out the video below!

Were you able to learn how to make a free website in a few steps?

When you create a fast website, you don't waste time and you can already take the first steps of your endeavor on the internet. Even though there are more advanced functions to implement on a website, tools like Webnode make it easier to get started.

Did you like to create websites using the tool and want to go deeper into the subject? So don't miss our complete guide to the best online courses for creating websites!

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