Extra income with Amazon Affiliates: 10 best tips

Amazon's affiliate program is a great way to earn money when working from home. But to get your extra income with Amazon Affiliates, it's always good to have a sense of what works and how to get people's attention so that they use your links to make purchases.

To help you with this and guarantee your extra income, we have prepared some essential tips. It is worth mentioning that in this case, it is worth opening an account with a digital bank, since it is easier to manage the extra income of Amazon Affiliates. To learn more, just see the suggestions below!

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1. Have some kind of influence online

tips for making money on amazon

First of all, you need to keep something in mind. You cannot have an extra income with Amazon Affiliates if you can only recommend or recommend the products to your friends and family.

It is simply not an efficient way to earn commissions, it is very likely that few people will even think about buying something just because you sent them a product link. Instead, you need to have some presence or influence online for this to work.

This can be through live streams, a YouTube channel, a blog on various subjects, Instagram posts, etc. The important thing is to create content frequently and get a loyal audience before thinking about using the affiliate program.

Once you have that, it will be much easier to indicate links to certain products. After all, your followers will already have a good impression and trust in you and there will be a greater chance that they will use your Amazon affiliate link.

2. Create content about products

Having an online influence, you can take the opportunity to create content specifically about the products you want to refer. This is especially true for product reviews, where you talk more about your usage experience.

So, if someone is interested in the product, your affiliate link will only make it easier for them to buy it. Make the link very visible, either in the Instagram post or in the description of a YouTube video.

If necessary, also advise that where link can be found.

3. Indicate related products that make sense

Let's say you create content about products often. Another good tip is to take this opportunity to indicate even more products than the one you are talking about in your post or video.

In this case, it is very worthwhile to indicate products that are related to what you focused on before. For example, if you are talking about a new model of tablet, take the opportunity to indicate covers, keyboards, protective films, headphones and any other accessory that you remember.

This works on many occasions and even helps you attract people who already have the main product, but are looking for interesting accessories.

4. Choose products you really know

Another very important tip is that you do not go out indicating products that you have never heard of or know a lot about. This can harm you, especially if you end up indicating a poor quality product without knowing it.

Even if you don't use the products, research about it as much as you can. Also check if other people have had problems with the product and be sure to talk about everything when referring it.

Another good idea is to make it clear that you have not used the product yourself if that is the case.

5. Use the products before recommending them

how amazon affiliates works

Well, following a little bit what we talked about in the previous topic, of course it ends up being better if you can use the products you recommend. What happens in many cases when your online influence grows is that you receive products for analysis.

This is an excellent opportunity to indicate the product analyzed in the post or video you make about it. As you can imagine, people have a lot more confidence to buy something you actually used.

6. Publish links frequently

Something important to keep in mind is that you also need to post links frequently. Otherwise, they can end up in oblivion and it becomes more difficult to make your extra income with Amazon Affiliates.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to make even more content based on the product indicated. Our tip in this case is to take advantage of the subject of another product to insert these old links again.

You can take advantage of the fact that you are talking about a new smartphone to also indicate the link of an older smartphone. Perhaps a model that compares well with it, for example.

7. Select high value products

Many people do not realize this when planning to make extra income with Amazon Affiliates, but the value of the product matters a lot. Your commission is calculated specifically on the value of the product, so the more expensive, the higher the amount you will receive.

Of course, it doesn't have to be just products worth thousands of reais, since over R $ 100 is already a good value. This does not prevent you from recommending cheaper products, just be sure to put more price diversity on the indicated links.

8. Make lists frequently

One type of content that never gets old and always brings interested people are product lists. Be lists of the best phones, the best tablets, the best protective covers, etc.

There are always a lot of people looking for products that are really worthwhile and these comparison lists usually give you a good sense of what they can buy. This allows you to insert numerous affiliate links in a single post or video.

It is also a great way to do what we talked about before recommending the same links often. Just be creative on the list and be very descriptive about everything you are recommending.

9. Take advantage of promotion periods

Another great tip to make your extra income with Amazon Affiliates is to keep an eye on periods of promotions. There are many easy times to predict, like Black Friday, but it’s good to keep an eye on general promotions as well.

Take advantage of these moments to share your affiliate links. Whether in a post dedicated to that or just through your social networks.

10. Enjoy special holidays

extra income at amazon

Finally, don't forget to take advantage of special holidays when people usually buy gifts. Even if there are no great promotions during these periods, take the time to post with gift suggestions.

Whether it's Mother's Day, Valentine's Day or Christmas, just to name a few examples, think of products that make sense to recommend. You can even make lists of interesting items for each date.

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Did you get your extra income from Amazon Affiliates?

Did you take advantage of our tips on how to get extra income with Amazon Affiliates? So don't forget to leave your comment telling us what you think of the tips and the affiliate program.

And if you want even more company benefits, be sure to check out Amazon Prime! By subscribing to this premium plan, you get discounts, free shipping, access to the collection of streaming movies, series and music and become a member of Twitch Prime.

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