How to block an email in Outlook? [Guia completo]

Outlook is one of the most used email managers, with several features that make it really complete. Here, we will teach you how to block an email in Outlook.

Keep reading and check out our complete guide with step by step of what to do!

1. What is Outlook?

Microsoft Outlook is a Microsoft program that manages information as part of the Office suite. It is mainly an email app, but it also has a calendar, task manager, contact organizer, diary and notepad.

It works for both personal use and for companies and groups, allowing inboxes and shared calendars, for example. In addition, it also has a version for smartphones, whether Android or iPhone.

2. How to block an email in Outlook?

This is an essential feature in any program for managing emails. With Outlook, you can block senders and email types with ease, to ensure you’ll never see what you don’t want. The filter is completely customizable.

Blocking a sender

If what you want is to block a specific sender, in order to never receive emails from him again, rest assured that it is quite easy. To do this, just right-click on a message from the person, click "Electronic Waste" and then on “Block Sender”.

block a sender

With that, all emails received from that email account in yours will automatically go to the email folder. "Electronic Waste", never to fill your main inbox again. To unblock an email, just use the Junk E-mail Filters.

Add unwanted names

Another feature for anyone who wants to learn how to block an email in Outlook is to add unwanted names to the Blocked Senders List. All messages from addresses and names in that list always go to the Electronic Waste.

In a simplified way, this is the Spam list, diverting all messages suspected of being spam.

To add senders to that list, click on a message from them. On the tab home page, in the group delete, click in electronic waste is at block sender.

Add unwanted names How to block an email in Outlook

If you want to add names to that list, go to the Home page, in Delete, in Electronic Waste is at Junk E-mail Options. Then go to the tab Blocked Senders and click Add, where you can enter a name (specific email address) or domain (like @

Lists can be imported into Outlook by clicking Import from File and then on the existing list file. To create one, go to Export to File and select where to save it.

Add trusted names

Another option for anyone who wants to know how to block email in Outlook is to add trusted names to the List of Trusted Recipients or to Trusted Senders. This basically means that certain senders are never treated as junk mail, always ending up in your main inbox.

To add names to this list the process is quite simple: click on a message that the sender sent and on the tab Home page, click in Delete, in Electronic Waste is at Never Block Sender.

It is also possible to add names and domains to the lists manually. To do this, follow the steps:

  • Go to the tab Home page, in Electronic Waste and then on Junk E-mail Options;
  • To add trusted senders, click Add on the guide Trusted Senders or, to add trusted recipients, click Add on the guide Trusted Recipients;
  • In the box that asks you to enter the address or domain to be added to the list, enter your email or domain;
  • You can also add all your Contacts at once to that list by selecting the checkbox Also trust emails from my Contacts in Trusted Senders.

Block messages from certain countries

Another option to block email in Outlook is to block senders from certain countries of origin. For example, you can decide that you want all emails from the U.S. to be automatically forwarded to the mailbox Electronic Waste.

Block messages from certain countries How to block an email in Outlook

This can be done by going to the tab Home page, in Delete, in Electronic Junk is at Junk E-mail Options. Then go to International and click List of Blocked Top Level Domains and select the checkboxes for countries that you don't want to ever send emails to you again.

Block messages in unknown alphabets

Finally, another option is to prevent emails that are in different alphabets from reaching you. With that, only messages that you understand will arrive.

Block messages in unknown alphabets How to block an email in Outlook

Scroll to Home page, click in Delete, the arrow next to Electronic Waste and then on Junk E-mail Options. Now, on the tab International, click in Blocked Encodings List and select all the encodings you want to block.

So, did you like our guide on how to block an email in Outlook?

Leave your opinion about it in the comments, saying if you use it or prefer another one programs to manage emails. Also, check out our selection of the best productivity apps for PC or smartphone and how to create a Windows 10 account without email from Microsoft!

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