How to Create Text Shortcuts on Android on Multiple Keyboards!

There are several different keyboard apps you can use on your Android smartphone, and they all have functionality by which you can create text shortcuts.

Shortcuts are extremely useful for everyone who uses a lot of typing on their smartphone, whether it's for conversations with friends, posts on social media, sales, and much more.

With them, it is possible to make all text, a URL, or similar things appear in the typing bar simply by typing an acronym. If you want to learn how to do this to make your life easier, just check below!

How to create text shortcuts on Android?

As mentioned, there are several keyboard apps. And while all of them can do this, the steps are different depending on which one you use as your default application.

So we're going to have a few subsections below, each for a different app. Just check out the one for the app you use (and if you use another, the process is probably similar).

On Gboard (Google Keyboard)

This is the default keyboard app on most Android smartphones (and probably the best keyboard app out there). If you use it, the process is particularly simple. Follow the steps to create text shortcuts on Android:

  • 1. To get started, go to the settings from your smartphone;
  • two. Now navigate to System;
  • 3. There, tap Languages ​​and Input, in on-screen keyboard, and then tap Gboard;

Going to Gboard to create text shortcuts on Android

  • 4. Then scroll down to Dictionary and then in personal dictionary;
  • 5. Select which language you want to create text shortcuts on Android (can be for everyone);

browsing and selecting language

  • 6. On the new screen, tap the sign for + at the top right corner;
  • 7. And finally, you'll be able to type whatever you want as “word” (can be texts) and, in the bottom line, type the shortcut. In the example, I put, and as a shortcut, I put apt;
  • 8. Now whenever I type the shortcut (apt), the suggestion will appear. Just touch it and that's it!

creating shortcut on gboard create text shortcuts on android

On SwiftKey

Now, let's teach you how to create text shortcuts on Android if you use SwiftKey, the Microsoft keyboard that many love. Check out:

  • 1. Again, you will have to do the same steps as in Gboard. That is, open the settings, touch System, later on Languages ​​and Input, in on-screen keyboard and finally in Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard;

going to swiftkey to create text shortcuts on Android

  • two. Alright, now tap on Advanced entry;
  • 3. On the next screen, tap Transfer area;

go to Clipboard

  • 4. Then tap Add new clipboard;
  • 5. To complete, add the Clipboard Contents it's the Shortcut to create a text shortcut on Android using SwiftKey;
  • 6. In the same way as in Gboard, when typing the shortcut, the suggestion will appear.

Saving shortcut and usage example

On Samsung Keyboard

The last app we're going to talk about is the Samsung Keyboard, the default keyboard on almost every Samsung smartphone. Check out the steps below on how to create text shortcuts on Samsung Android

  • 1. The first step will be to open the app from settings;
  • two. In it, navigate to general management and then tap Samsung Keyboard Settings;
  • 3. Now tap the option that says More typing options;

going to more typing options create text shortcuts on Android

  • 4. And then tap text shortcuts;
  • 5. To complete, just type the text shortcut, the same way we talk for other keyboards. When typing the Shortcut, you will receive a suggestion for the expanded sentence. Simple, isn't it?

adding shortcut on samsung keyboard create text shortcuts on android

So, did you like our guide on how to create text shortcuts on Android?

Leave a comment with your opinion about our article, telling you if we were able to help you or if you are still having difficulty. Also check out how to add a shortcut to the iPhone home screen!

Images by DepositPhotos.

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