How to find out the best time to post on Instagram
If you use Insta to work on the internet, you've probably figured out how to figure out the best time to post on Instagram, right?
It's impossible not to be curious about it. Just start studying about the Instagram that doubt begins to hover. After all, even if you have good blog ideas, ideally you should post them at a time when your audience is online.
One of the solutions to answering this question is to test, creating posts for different schedules and analyzing Instagram metrics to know which one has received the most engagement.
On the other hand, this test may be flawed, since there are other elements responsible for generating engagement in your profile. In addition, these tests consume time in your day to day.
The Insta Robot has been able to solve this problem with a new tool on its platform to schedule posts. Called Smart Scheduling, it analyzes the posts and their schedules.
From there, it will show you the next best day and time to schedule your publication.
Want to know how to take advantage of the functionality and finally find out the best time to post on Instagram?
So keep reading below and see our complete step by step to use smart scheduling on the Insta Robot!
Why Use Smart Scheduling?
As we said above, the main benefit of Smart Scheduling is the time you will not lose by studying the times at which most of your followers are online.
Also, scheduling is not automatic. That is, you can use the tool as a form of consultation and study.
For example, you do not have to schedule your publication for what would be considered the best time. After all, suddenly your competitors also tend to post at the best time, increasing competition and consequently decreasing their reach.
Instead, you can choose other times with good online activity from your followers. That is, Smart Scheduling saves your work time, but does not force you to follow your recommendations to the letter.
Using Smart Scheduling
1. Access the link to create your registration in the Robot of the Insta. Enjoy that the tool offers 3 days FREE to test all its features;
2. After creating your profile and connecting your biography to Instagram, click on the option Scheduling, in the menu to the left of the screen;
3. Click the indicated button to send a photo to the publication;
4. Write the caption for your post in the field description;
5. If you want, post what will be the first comment of the post. It is usually used to insert the hashtags of the Insta, if you do not like to put them in the legend taking up space;
6. Enter the place you would like to bookmark;
7. Click the Search button to mark a location in your post;
8. Choose which location will be marked by finding the corresponding option and clicking Add. Note that this function is only available for business profiles;
9. Click on the field Date and choose any day;
10. O Smart Scheduling will appear just below the field Date and will show you the best time to post on Instagram, along with a chart showing the level of engagement at different times;
11. In this chart, the system sets the best time, but you can change by clicking at any time shown on the chart;
12. click in Schedule post to leave your post scheduled for your best publishing time;
13. Return to the scheduling screen to confirm your post's schedule.
What other tools does the Insta Robot offer?
For now, Smart Scheduling works only for posts in the feed, but it's also in the platform's plans to include it in Stories as well.
Note that scheduling posts is not the only feature of the Insta Robot. Check out below what else he can do to help you have a successful Instagram:
- Automatic interactions: nothing to keep hunting hashtags and profiles to interact on Insta! With automatic interactions, the platform will do the "dirty service".
Simply configure, hashtags, marked locations and competing profiles and the Insta Robot itself will take care of searching, enjoying posts and following users, who may end up following you back. You can also program it to stop following users who do not follow you back;
- Creating Safe Lists: are there any profiles you do not want to follow at all? You can indicate them in the menu Safe Lists. You can also put profiles that you want to continue to follow;
The platform allows you to see the use you had according to each term, location or profile you programmed. It also tells you how many automatic actions you have taken.
Test the Insta Robot for FREE
Now that you know how to figure out the best time to post on Instagram using Smart Scheduling, it's your turn to test firsthand.
Therefore, the Insta Robot offers its new users 3 FREE days to use the platform. Remember that all tools are released during this period without any restriction.
Test the Insta Robot now by clicking on the link and doing your registration!