How to find out Windows PC password

If you have forgotten your computer password and can no longer log in, or if you have found an old notebook, you may need to find out how to access your Windows. Over time, it is common to forget older passwords.

To do this, we have here a guide on how to recover and change the password of your Windows computer, for versions of Windows XP onwards and be sure to check out the best password managers so you don't have to go through this again.

1. Find out the password in Windows XP

If you use an older version of Windows, XP, the process of finding out your Windows password (or rather removing it) is quite simple, requiring very few steps.

First, restart your PC; As soon as it starts calling, press the F5 button on the top of your keyboard repeatedly until a screen with several options appears. In it, select the option “Enter Safe Mode”. For a complete guide to how to enter safe mode, click this link.

Windows XP

The login options will appear, probably yours and the Administrator user; login by the Administrator. Then just go to the Control Panel, go to “User Accounts” and select your account and remove the password.

If this does not work, you can still change the password through Safe Mode Command Prompt. To do this, enter Safe Mode, click “Windows Button + R” and type “CMD” and hit enter. Then simply type the following command:

net user (account) (new password)

Or, if you want to leave the account without a password, use the command:

net user (account) “”

Ready! Now you can figure out your Windows password quite easily.

2. Find out the password in Windows Vista and Windows 7

Let's talk about two methods of discovering your Windows Vista or 7 password so that you can regain access to your account without any difficulty.

The first one depends on whether the user has created a password reset disk, which is strongly recommended to do as a precaution in case something happens. To create, follow the steps below.

First, plug a flash drive into your computer, type “reset” in the search bar and select the “Create a password reset disk ”. When the "Password Recovery Wizard ” appears, click "Advance" and select the drive in which you want to create the disk. In our case, it is the flash drive.

Select it and then click "Advance" again. As soon as the wizard finishes the process, press the "Advance" again and then on "Conclude". This will give you a password reset disk.

To find out the Windows password, insert the flash drive you created the disk into your computer. At the Windows Welcome screen, click on the "Redefine password", which appears just below the field after failing to sign in once.

When the “Password Reset Wizard” appears, click "Advance". Select the reset disk device and password, enter the new password, and click "Advance". Soon after, a window will appear saying that the process was successful and you will have access to your account again.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 find out the Windows password

The other method only requires a Windows installation disc. Insert the disk into the computer and start the computer from this disk. Then click on Repair your computer and on the next screen you will see which partition Windows is installed on; memorize which letter is, is usually D: .

Windows Vista and Windows 7 find out the Windows password

In the next screen, click the “Command Prompt (CMD) and type the command below exactly as it is (just replacing, if necessary, the partition letter):

copy d: windows system32 sethc.exe d:

This will copy the keyboard shortcut program to your computer; then type exactly as it is (again, replacing, if necessary, the partition letter) with the command below to replace the keyboard shortcut program with CMD:

copy d: windows system32 cmd.exe d: windows system32 sethc.exe

Confirm by pressing the button "Y" and then on "Enter". Remove the installation disc and restart your computer. To finish the process of finding the Windows password, when the login screen appears, press Shift five times to open CMD as an administrator.

Then, to reset the password, type the following command:

net user Username PasswordNew

Then simply restart your computer and use the new password to gain access to your account.

3. Windows 8 and Windows 10

If you need to find out the Windows 8 or Windows 10 password, the process becomes more complicated but not infeasible.

If you use a local, non-Microsoft, user account, there is only one way to do this: by using a Windows installation disc and following the same steps described in the previous item.

Now, if you use a Microsoft account, the process of figuring out your Windows password is much simpler, as much as it requires access to some other computer or device that can access the internet. This account is used for access to all company services such as Skype, Office suite and Outlook.

First, follow this link to go to the password reset page in any of the best browsers. Enter the email, phone number, or Skype Name associated with your account and click "Next". You can choose the best method for receiving a security code.

Windows 8 and WIndows 10 Discover Windows Password

Type the code received by the method selected on the verification screen and click "Next"; Then, just fill in the fields with the new password to reset it. To first log in with the new password on your computer, make sure you are connected to the internet.

So what do you think about our tips on how to find out the Windows PC password?

Leave a comment if this article was helpful to you and if we can help you gain access to your computer or an old PC whose password you no longer remember. Remember: If you use an older version of Windows, you are in danger. For added security, upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

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