How to hire a virtual assistant: step by step
Many believe that having a digital business is having a notebook on the beach in a paradisiacal location or with the image of the old stereotype of working at home wearing pajamas.
They couldn't be more wrong. Many digital entrepreneurs, even, need to know how to hire a virtual assistant to help with tasks such as scheduling posts on social networks, taking care of the daily schedule or attending through online chat, among many other needs.
If you are identifying with what we are talking about so far, it is likely that you are looking for a virtual assistant to help you with these tasks. Is that the case? So let's take you step by step on how to hire a virtual assistant that is ideal for your business and that helps you make money online.
Check it out below!
Step 1 – Search for professionals at Assistex
O Assistex is a platform that connects entrepreneurs from different areas with virtual assistants. Developed by sisters Ana Tex and Ana Martha Tex, it is the only tool of its kind in Brazil.
Best of all, its interface is simple and easy to use. Within minutes, you will be able to find a wide variety of professionals.
They cano have more generalized skills or more focused on a specific type of task. These specializations can include video editing, creating landing pages or managing social media, among others.
It is very easy to start using the Assistex. To do this, simply access the link and click the button Request a quote.
The first thing to know when learning how to hire a virtual assistant is to look for professionals in the right way. To start filtering, first tell the platform what the area of expertise is looking for in a virtual assistant.
You can do this by clicking on one of the options in the list or typing the name to find it more easily.
Then, indicate what specific knowledge you need that the virtual assistant should have.
Tip: you can choose more than one specific knowledge!
Now, select the state and city where the professional should reside. If you have no problem working with someone outside your state – remember that the job is remote! -, you do not need to check these options.
To finish filtering your search, click the button Search professionals.
Step 2 – Contacting your future virtual assistant
You already know how to take the first step on the road to hiring a virtual assistant. Now that you know how to refine your searches to find only qualified professionals, it's time to find the ideal person to help your online business take off.
To do this, just check the profiles of the professionals who will be listed just below the search form. Did you find someone who looks interesting? Then click the button To see profile.
On this screen, you can find a kind of curriculum for the virtual assistant. You will be able to see a brief description made by the person himself, as well as the complete list of his areas of expertise and his specific knowledge. Everything is organized and easy to view.
Did you like the description and the skills are according to what you need?
Then click the button Request a quote!
Finally, just wait for the answers and continue the communication!
Did you learn how to hire a virtual assistant at Assistex?
Have you already hired virtual assistants from a freelance platform? Or until today did you prefer to receive referrals from other entrepreneurs?
Regardless of how it started, the Assistex is the best platform indication for virtual assistants. Most of the professionals found there are students of Marketex online and in-person courses, so they certainly know what they are doing.
Now that you've learned how to hire a virtual assistant, click on the link and start using the Assistex!