How to make extra income at Enjoei in 2020?
For those who want to earn money when working from home, online selling sites are some of the best options. This goes for Mercado Livre, Enjoei and OLX, for example. For those who want to make extra income at Enjoei, the process is very simple and more focused on really used items.
As this may be the most common case for those who have never sold anything online, this ends up being the best platform. So that you can make your extra income at Enjoei with ease, we have prepared a very complete guide that you can check out below!
How does Enjoei work?
We already mentioned that Enjoei helps you sell products online, but it is worth going further if you plan to put products there. Basically, this is a website that works like a virtual thrift store.
Then you and other users can advertise almost any type of product that you no longer use and want to pass on to someone else. These items can be clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, musical instruments, games, etc.
As the name says, they are those products that you already got sick or no longer use. Our detailed tutorial on how to make extra income on Enjoei follows.
Make extra income at Enjoei
To get started, you must access the official Enjoei website, which you can do at this link. Then, you just click on "I want to sell".
On the next screen, you will have to log in. Whether on an existing account or clicking on “I don't have an account” if you don't have one.
For those who are creating an account from scratch, it will be necessary to give some information. This includes your name and address, something that will even be used to calculate shipping when shipping your products sold.
Other important information that you will have to provide will be your contact phone number and CPF.
When you finish this part of the registration, it will be time to list which product you want to sell. You will have to put a title, a description, at least one photo, the product's brand and price.
Then, it will also be necessary to inform the department, category, subcategory and size. Do not forget to also state the state of the product, how many you want to sell, the weight and type of shipping.
When finished, just click on “Send product” and your ad will be public shortly thereafter.
Soon after, you will have the option to send another product, edit your current ad or go to your store page. To create other ads, the process is very similar.
When interested parties start showing up, they can send you questions. Our tip is to always answer everything quickly and honestly.
This way, it is very easy to make extra income at Enjoei!
If you are thinking of other ways to earn extra income at home, be sure to check out our tutorial on digital banking. This way you will be able to better manage your finances without leaving your home.
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Did you take advantage of our tips to learn how to make extra income at Enjoei? Another good tip is to use MeisterTask to organize yourself better with the products you put on sale and manage the tasks to be able to send the products without delay to your customers.
Start using it for FREE by clicking the link!