Nowadays, finances have become increasingly tight, and everyone is looking for ways to make money. One of the most famous will be covered in this article, where we explain how to make extra income at Udemy, being able to work from home.
If you prefer, instead of creating online courses, it is also possible to deliver to Rappi, becoming a local friend or even renting space from your suitcase when traveling, using Entrusters. And, if you don't like Udemy, you can also create courses on Beved!
Now, to learn how to make extra income on this platform, read on in our article, where we will explain in depth not only what it is, but also register, create the course and start selling!
1. What is Udemy?
Before we can teach you how to make extra income on Udemy, you need to know the platform in depth, how it works and what you can do with it.
It is a platform for online courses, which can be created by anyone who has in-depth knowledge of specific areas and the willingness to prepare classes.
It is possible to teach the most diverse subjects, such as programming, web development, translation, foreign languages, cooking and much more, all very well organized.
In addition, the platform itself helps its creators, so that they can create classes in the best possible way, with days of filming and editing.
It is ideal for those who want to learn and study at home, using any of the many free classes offered, in addition to paid classes. The classes contain not only audiovisual content, but also many books, articles, help from teachers and other students, and even questions.
It also has one of the best apps for learning things online, allowing you to study easily on your smartphone. And, added to all this, paid classes issue certificates of completion!
2. How to create a course on the platform?
Now that you know everything about this service, let's go to the next step on how to make extra income at Udemy: learn how to create a new course to be able to earn!
First of all, let's explain some things about what it's like to be an instructor for them, using the FAQ available on the website itself.
To create a course, you don't need to pay anything. When someone buys your course, you earn part of the amount paid for them, with the rest staying with Udemy. It is worth remembering that almost all topics can be addressed, with minor exceptions.
Another important thing to know is that you do not need any approval to create the course, without needing degrees or anything like that. Just have the knowledge!
Payments are received via the PayPal account associated with Udemy, receiving monthly.
The minimum requirements for a Udemy course are a minimum of 30 minutes of video and a minimum of 5 lessons or learning modules. Better yet, your course published here is still yours. That is, you retain all rights to it, and you can do whatever you want later!
Now, finally, we come to account and course creation, the main step in how to make extra income at Udemy.
First, follow the link to the official page by clicking here. On that page, click the red button for "Register", where you must enter your full name, email and password.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will find a button written “Teach on Udemy”.
Click on it to be redirected to the course creation page. Click the red button “Become an instructor”, where you should answer some questions
Select what your experiences were teaching previously, say your level of proficiency in creating videos and answer whether you already have a target audience or not.
You will see a page with instructions on how to create a course, based on your answers. All you need to do is click on the "Create your course", where you can select whether you are creating a course or a simulation.
Give your creation a title, select the category and say how much time you can dedicate to the course weekly. Now, determine who your target students are, tell them if there are prerequisites, plan the structure, select the price and perform all the final steps for creation, such as uploading the content!
So, what did you think of our guide on how to make extra income on Udemy?
Leave your opinion about it in the comments, saying if you already knew the platform and everything you can do with it. Also, don't forget to check out our complete guide on how to make extra income online!