How to turn your account into WhatsApp Business?

The arrival of a commercial version of WhatsApp occurred relatively recently. But it can already be said that it won over millions of users who needed a professional app for better communication with their customers. But for those who already use the normal app to talk to their customers, the question remains: how to turn your account into WhatsApp Business?

The good news is that this is very easy and quick to do. Of course, we recommend doing this on an account that you don't mind using for professional rather than personal purposes. If you're curious, learn how to transform your WhatsApp Business account with the steps below!

Also take the opportunity to find out what the best WhatsApp games are!

What is WhatsApp Business?

how to use whatsapp business

First of all, it might be a good idea to explain WhatsApp Business better. After all, there are still a lot of people who have heard about the app, but don't know exactly what it is about or what it is different about.

So it may be a good idea to find out everything before turning your account into WhatsApp Business. Overall, we can say that it works in a similar way as normal WhatsApp, but has extra and specialized features for professional use. That is, as cool as they may be, keep WhatsApp's fun games only on your personal account.

Everything to make your communication and customer service more efficient and easier. Among the features and advantages that WhatsApp Business brings, we have the following examples:

  • Professional profile for your brand
  • Opening hours
  • Automatic replies
  • Quick response models
  • Scheduled messages
  • Customizable labels for conversations and contacts
  • Product catalog
  • Group audio and video calls
  • Product delivery location

As you can see, there are many tools to make your life easier by establishing a pleasant relationship with customers. The cool thing is that this is for both large companies and for those who are starting their business and may still be earning their extra income when working from home.

If that's your case, be sure to check out our tips on digital banking to manage your finances more easily and at home.

Anyway, you can download this version of WhatsApp on Android and iPhone. And now that we know more about the app, let's talk about how you can turn your account into WhatsApp Business.

How to turn your account into WhatsApp Business

With the WhatsApp Business app properly installed on your smartphone, it's time to transform your account. It is important to mention that it is necessary to have a normal WhatsApp account to make this transition, otherwise the app will only create an account from scratch.

And don't worry, there is no need to uninstall normal WhatsApp before this process. But keep in mind that you will only be able to use your Business account after the transition. Learn more by seeing our guide teaching you how to have 2 WhatsApp at the same time on your phone.

Step 1: to start, just open WhatsApp Business on your smartphone. Right from the start, you will have to read the app's terms of service, something common with these services.

whatsapp business terms

To proceed, just click on “Agree and Continue”. That is, if it is in accordance with everything that was proposed in the contract, of course.

Step 2: Once this is done, you will see a message if you already have WhatsApp installed on your smartphone. That's because the app will recognize the normal version of and will ask if you really want to use the existing number in WhatsApp Business.

number used in whatsapp business

If we really want to transform your account into WhatsApp Business, let's move on and click on use the current number. Just to know, when using the same number, the app will transfer contacts and conversations to the commercial version.

Even if it is not your case, you can select the option “Use another number” if you do not want to transition from the existing account.

Step 3: then WhatsApp Business will ask you if you want to transfer content from your existing account. This includes transferring conversation history, files, contacts, etc.

To move on, click on “Continue”. For those who prefer to wait a while before making this decision, just click on “Not now” and return later.

transfer to whatsapp business

Step 4: if for any reason you think it is better to make a new account, you will need another number. This is easy by placing another chip in the phone, something even simpler if your smartphone has support for two chips.

In this case, just use that “Use another number” option and make the initial configuration in WhatsApp Business.

transform your account into WhatsApp Business new number

Regardless of what you decide, you will have your WhatsApp Business account from now on. If you followed the steps to transform your WhatsApp Business account, you will have all the history, conversations and contacts from before.

As we mentioned before, this is a good option if you already used the normal app to chat with your customers. We only recommend that you start using this app only for those business conversations thereafter.

After all, it helps to maintain a professional look for your brand and for the WhatsApp account related to it.

Did you like the guide?

So, were you able to follow our tutorial to learn how to turn your account into WhatsApp Business? So take the time to tell us what you think of the guide and this service that WhatsApp is providing.

Other than that, we have a good tip for anyone looking for services to manage their projects. If this is the case, take a look at MeisterTask when accessing the official website. You can start using the service for free!

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