Learn ABNT rules and their importance in academic projects

It is known that for undergraduate students, researchers and technicians, one of the most delicate issues that is always on the agenda is the correct use of ABNT norms and rules. Also, one of the most delicate moments for these groups is always the presentation of academic and scientific projects, whether TCC, postgraduate or scientific initiation

Currently, scientific communication in the country, textual production and the carrying out of graduation projects depend strictly on the adoption of the sets of rules established by ABNT, known as NBR.

Thinking about how challenging this moment can be and also in order to illustrate the importance of using these standards, the idea of ​​this article is to give a brush over the main ABNT rules for the preparation of articles and monographs.

We will see some details for the elaboration of a cover model for work according to ABNT standards, the structure and sequence of topics within a project, and also points that may be overlooked such as font and margin.

How important is it to use ABNT rules correctly?

ABNT rules tips

ABNT rules are adopted in scientific production around the country, regardless of the higher education course in question.

Therefore, these points are essential for university students who perform courses in the area of ​​information security, for the medical sciences, for the law or for any other area.

Generally speaking, the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms are used to standardize scientific production in the country.

In addition, ABNT will also indicate a quality standard for research. Therefore, the proper use of these standards is essential for communication, cooperation and scientific growth.

The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards emerged in the 1940s as a result of disagreements between two large national laboratory groups, the National Research Institute and the Technological Research Institute, according to the platform IESLA.

Both laboratories were national research experts, however, their research and evaluation methods were significantly different.

All this differentiation, sometimes, was responsible for cases of approval of an article or product by one of the laboratories and disapproval by the other.

As this directly and indirectly affected the progress of research in the country, the ABNT was then created in order to remedy this crisis.

In addition, ABNT is a founding member of the International Organization for Standardization, ISO, which is an agency responsible for regulation and standardization worldwide.

ABNT's main standards for academic works

ABNT rules

ABNT standards will govern the development of scientific and academic work and the order of its themes.

According to the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, the standards for the preparation of projects and monographs are:

  • Cover of the project according to NBR 14724
  • A4 size project sheets
  • 3cm margin for top and left margins
  • 2cm margin for bottom and right margins
  • Fonts to be used: Arial or Times New Roman
  • Using italics for foreign words
  • 1.5 spacing in body text
  • justified alignment
  • Paging according to NBR 1472
  • Summary according to NBR 6027
  • references
  • Quotations and notes according to NBR 6023 and NBR 10520

Now, you might be wondering what exactly is the acronym NBR. It stands for Brazilian Standards and is the edition of ABNT standards applied in a given year or on a given occasion.

Therefore, basically NBR are the sets of standards established by ABNT for carrying out scientific projects and works.

Still, it is interesting to point out that adherence to the NBR is not completely mandatory, since the ABNT is not an institution governed by the government in the country.

However, its formats are adopted by most universities and there are also several laws and public tenders that are based exactly on the use of these standards.

Auto-Format Platforms

importance of ABNT

Nowadays, there are also several websites that offer functionalities that allow the automatic formatting of your project according to ABNT standards.

Some of these platforms are:

  • Fast Format
  • Mettzer
  • MORE
  • Menthor

All these websites, applications and platforms enable automatic editing and formatting of your text to the standards required by ABNT.

Therefore, they represent a great solution for people who have difficulty memorizing the rules required in each case.

If this is your case, be sure to study the tips mentioned throughout the article and also be sure to check out these automatic formatting platforms.

Standardization within scientific communication is essential for the production of science and technology in the country.

The adoption of a single standard by most laboratories and universities enables cooperation, mutual work and dialogue between different poles of knowledge and technology generation, which, in turn, leverages the development of national science.

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